Member Benefits

Member Benefits

  • Co-owner: A credit union member is a co-owner of the credit union.
  • Voting Power: Each member has equal voting power, (one vote), the same as all other members in the credit union irrespective of the amount of his/her savings, deposits, or volume of business.
  • Democratic Right: Each member has the power to exercise his/her democratic right in determining by whom and how the credit union is run.
  • Paid Dividends: A credit union member shares in any annual surplus because he/she is a part-owner.
  • Financial Services: Credit unions offer a wide range of financial services at competitive rates.
  • Competitive Rates: Members are encouraged to develop the habit of thrift; save and take advantage of loans and other services; a fair rate of interest is paid on their savings and deposits.
  • Offer Salary Deductions: Members can save directly and transact business at their credit unions through salary deduction facilities.
  • Insured Savings: Savings are secured by Life Saving Insurance at no direct cost to members (Conditions apply*).
  • Insured Loans: Loans are insured at no direct cost to members (Conditions apply*).
  • Offer a Wide Variety of Loans: Members can borrow what they need without having to touch their savings.
  • Beneficiary Benefits: Beneficiaries can benefit from up to 200% of a member’s savings upon death (Conditions Apply*).
  • Offer FIP & Critical Illness Insurance: Offered through Cuna Insurance to Credit Union members and their families at a very low monthly premium.